Deposition Taken in Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Below is a true and complete copy of material
printed by Mr. Winter, titled "One Crystal's Dance," which was
submitted in evidence as an exhibit at Mr. Winter's deposition on 25
October 1995 in Asheville, North Carolina for the US Federal District
Court for the Western District of New York in Rochester, NY.
Please notice that contrary to Mr. Winter's persistent claims (and as
he swore to, with the assistance of his attorney Stephen Salai, in his
confession to the US Federal District Court), there is no discussion of
any alphabet system anything like what he plagiarized from the work of
Meru Foundation. There is no prior art. Nothing in One Crystal's
Dance bears any relationship whatsoever to Mr. Winter's plagiary
and abuse of the original copyright work of Stan Tenen and the Meru
Mr. Winter shows sonograms plagiarized from others that are claimed to
represent a few Hebrew letters. The claim that this work included
Hebrew or any other letters generated from a specially shaped spiral
vortex (Meru's work) is ludicrous. A person needs only look for
themselves. See also the sworn
testimony of Richard Leviton for a description of Mr. Winter's
tracing of Meru Foundation's work into his spreadsheet.
The beginning of One Crystal's Dance includes a discussion of a
product that Mr. Winter also plagiarized and misrepresented: the "Star
The original source of this material is in the book excerpt by L.
Gordon Plummer, By the Holy Tetractys! Note also that the
3-D "golden spiral" that Mr. Winter shows on page 18 (page 20 of the
pdf) was taken from the work of Ann Tyng. Mr. Winter fails to mention
L. Gordon Plummer or Ann Tyng, or any of the many other people whose
work he has taken, abused, and plagiarized in One Crystal's Dance.
Note also that Mr. Winter's "About the Author" is his standard story.
Sadly, it's not true. IBM refuses to confirm his employment, and his
credentials as stated evaporate when one tries to track them down. Mr.
Winter's only confirmable work experience was as an electrician (not an
electronic engineer) manually rewinding refrigerator and air
conditioner motors for his father's and brother's family business, SS
Electric in Buffalo, New York. Mr. Winter has no technical
education. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of
Detroit (Catholic).
Click on the cover icons to view and/or download the complete PDF's.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact
One Crystal's Dance
By the Holy Tetractys
(Addendum: How the Figures were Constructed)
by L. Gordon Plummer
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